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New pack of changes (with number 8.8) is waiting for you at SurveyLab. This time we focused on survey report improvements and making the contacts module more robust.

What has changed in the new version :

  • access to unfinished surveys
  • improved mechanism of mobile device recognition
  • faster contacts upload
  • ability to hide the “responses have been saved” page
  • other changes and improvements

Access to unfinished surveys

Some of you, while conducting online surveys, have encountered a situation when some part of the survey has been abandoned by respondents before completion. In most cases, respondents quit the survey on the very first page, but in some part they do it in the middle or at the end of the process. We call it “partial survey responses” or “unfinished surveys”. This new functionality provides you with access to these kinds of surveys.

* Functionality is available in the Enterprise plan.

Improved mobile device recognition mechanism

From now on, in the survey reports you will find additional information about devices (PCs/laptops, Tablets, Smartphones) your respondent has used to complete survey. Thanks to this functionality you will be able to better manage your surveys and optimize types of questions for the most popular devices.

Faster contacts upload

We have optimized and shortened the time needed to upload contacts list into mysurveylab.com

Ability to hide the “responses have been saved” page

We have added a feature that will allow you to hide “responses have been saved” page. Just select the appropriate option on the collector settings page.

Other changes and improvements

We have improved and updated the SPSS (.sav, .por) export mechanism. We have also provided additional information about survey language in the survey report.

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